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Returning to Africa for the first time in 25 years, the 2024 ILGA World Conference will take place from 11 to 15 November 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa, hosted by Iranti and Gender DynamiX under the theme Kwa umoja we rise! All information about the 2024 ILGA World Conference can be found on the dedicated conference website:

  Press Release  

In 2024, the ILGA World Conference will return to Africa for the first time since 1999. That even in Johannesburg marked a pivotal moment for our communities across the continent, and it also made history as it saw one of the first celebrations of Bi Visibility Day at the international level. Twenty-five years later, the conference will be hosted by two organisations led by - and working for – lesbian, trans, and intersex persons: Iranti and Gender DynamiX.

“We are delighted to host our global movement as it returns to Africa after such a long time,” said Liberty Matthyse and Nolwazi Tusini, Executive Director of Gender DynamiX and acting co-Director of Iranti respectively. “At a time when we see dangerous anti-rights discourse and narratives trickling down to our regions from the Global North, hosting our global family will be a wonderful statement of unity and solidarity across borders. Kwa umoja we rise!”.


“Kwa umoja” is Swahili for “Together” or “In unity”, a concept that emerged strongly after ILGA World consulted with local and regional organisations to understand what could resonate most with organisations across the African continent and globally. The theme is a powerful call for unity in these polarised and contentious times, also incorporating the most widely spoken language in Africa, known by over 200 million people.


"The global LGBTI movement stands united in its pursuit of social justice and transformative change, echoing the diverse chorus of voices calling for progress," declared Luz Elena Aranda and Tuisina Ymania Brown, co-Secretaries General at ILGA World.  "Yet, the gains we have achieved through years of fighting and advocacy on the frontline by our members are constantly under threat as authoritarian forces increasingly target our community.


“Even amidst incredible advances in our rights and moments of progress, the incessant scapegoating exacts a toll on our resilient communities and our members”, Aranda and Brown added. “Now, more than ever, we must harness the indispensable power of solidarity and the support of the intersectional social justice movement. Despite vehement and sometimes deadly opposition, we must continue the fight for our rights and forge a collective path forward. In doing so, we will leave no one behind. Kwa umoja we rise! Together in unity, we rise!”


  • Scholarship applications and session proposals are now open!

  • ILGA World now officially opens the calls to all potential participants.


You have until

Registration for paying participants will open in early 2024.

The ILGA World Board has purposefully opened these calls early to maximise chances for overseas participants to obtain visas, and for unsuccessful scholar applicants to still seek other options to attend.


“Since its early editions in the late 70s, the ILGA World Conference has always been among the largest global gatherings for LGBTI activists, changemakers and other stakeholders from all around the planet,” comments Julia Ehrt, Executive Director at ILGA World. “Attending this event is an extraordinary opportunity for ILGA World member organisations and other LGBTI human rights defenders and allies to connect, learn, and collectively chart ways forward for our global movement. In Cape Town, our membership will also deliberate and decide upon ILGA World’s strategic plan for the years ahead: an important moment for our global family to directly participate in the life of our organisation.” 


Key dates:



  • 6 August 2023: deadline for session proposals 


  • 13 August 2023: deadline for scholarship applications 


  • early 2024: opening of registrations for paying participants


  • date TBC (2024): closing of registrations for paying participants


  • 29 July 2024: First mailing to members: call for proposals and nominations for Board members and next conference host


  • 19 August 2024: Deadline to submit proposals and nominations for Board members and next conference host


  • 2 September 2024: Second mailing to members: proposals for constitutional and Standing Order amendments, nominations for Board members and next conference host, and accounts


  • 30 September 2024: Deadline to submit amendments to proposals


  • 21 October 2024: Third mailing to members: final agenda


  • 11 to 15 November 2024: ILGA World Conference 2024



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Gender DynamiX (GDX) is the first registered Africa-based public benefit organisation to focus solely on trans and gender diverse communities. What started as a mere vision, slowly grew into a grassroots organisation. GDX has since become an institutionalised non-profit organisation (NPO) that is fundamental to the develop-ment of the trans and gender diverse movement(s) in South Africa and across southern Africa.


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Office Address:

1 Solway Street,  Bellville,

Cape Town, 7530

South Africa

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P.O. Box 34568, Groote Schuur, 7937,

Cape Town, South Africa

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